The medial collateral ligament, or MCL, is the most commonly injured knee ligament. It can be torn or sprained due to a severe external blow. An injury to this ligament can sometimes happen when you quickly change your knee direction or twist the knee while running or walking. These types of injuries mainly affect athletes, although they can happen to anyone during their daily activities. Fortunately, a therapist can assist you in managing the resulting pain from an MCL injury. They treat tears and sprains to reduce swelling, pain, stiffness, and other symptoms.
Our Las Vegas physical therapy experts at Suarez Physical Therapy are movement professionals who handle all kinds of knee injuries, including MCL injuries. We can also help improve the quality of your life through patient education, timely care, and prescribed motion.
A Brief Description of MCL Injuries
Medial collateral ligaments are small but thick bands of tissues on the inside part of knee joints. They connect two bones, the shin and thigh bones, and prevent the left or right knees from bending towards the right or left knees. When you experience a severe blow to the outside part of your leg or your knee is violently twisted, these ligaments can overstretch. The stretching causes a complete or partial tear, called the MCL injury.
These are prevalent injuries for footballers because they quickly experience trauma on the outside of their knee while playing. However, other people can sustain an MCL injury when their knee becomes twisted or severely turned while walking, running, or skiing. In most cases, medical experts associate MCL injuries with trauma experienced in football fields, accidents, or slips and falls. Fortunately, they can be treated, and you can manage your pain with the assistance of a physical therapist.
Recovering from an MCL injury could take a short or long time. This mainly depends on the severity of your injury and your treatment plan. Thus, you need to find help immediately after twisting your knee or experiencing a severe blow to it to start the treatment and recovery process. This way, you can resume your daily activities sooner rather than later. Some indications you could have an MCL injury include pain on the inside part of your knee, bruising or swelling, a swelling that extends to the knee joint a day or more after an injury, or a stiff knee.
Pain is a primary cause for concern, as it usually indicates a problem. Although you could experience stiffness, an MCL injury will cause you to experience pain at or around your knee. The pain can be mild or severe, depending on the extent of the injury. Since an MCL injury can worsen over time, you should have it checked and treated immediately after the pain starts.
Symptoms of an MCL Injury
There are many indicators of an MCL injury. If you notice any of the following signs, it could be time for a proper diagnosis and treatment:
- You experience a popping sound when the injury happens. This could be after a severe blow to the back of your knee or after a knee dislocation or twisting
- You have swelling or pain in an injured knee
- You have difficulties moving a wounded knee
- You have problems moving with the affected leg, whether walking or getting up from sitting.
Remember that the pain is mainly on the inside part of an injured knee. Some bruising can occur during the injury and spread to other knee parts after a day or two. The difficulties in moving the knee could be due to pain or stiffness. If you try to bend the affected knee, there will be pain or difficulty. Some people experience an unstable feeling around the knee, as if the knee is about to buckle or give out.
You can experience more of these symptoms at the same time. Some can be mild or severe, depending on the extent of your injury.
How Doctors Diagnose MCL Injuries
Pain in and around the knee does not automatically mean you have an MCL injury. A doctor must examine your knee to give a proper diagnosis and the right treatment. If you suffer a severe blow to your knee that results in pain or you twist or dislocate your knee, you can see a doctor or physical therapist right away. The medical professional will conduct an in-depth evaluation of your knee and ask how you feel and what other symptoms you need to diagnose. They could also review your treatment history to determine any underlying health issues that could cause your pain or discomfort.
Some of the questions your therapist can ask during the examination include the following:
- Whether you felt pain or heard a popping sound during the injury
- If you turned the leg abruptly while it was still planted on hard ground
- If you change your leg’s direction while walking or running
- If you experienced a direct blow to the leg with your leg planted on hard ground
- If there was swelling around your knee within three hours of the injury
- If your knee feels like it is giving way or buckling when you attempt to move your leg
A therapist can also perform some tests to determine the kind of injury you have. If they suspect an MCL injury, they can press on the inner part of your knee as you slightly bend it. This tests the rigidity of your medial collateral ligament. The medical professional can also check the inside part of the knee for swelling or tenderness. They could conduct other tests to determine the extent of the injury or if the damage has spread to other parts. Finally, the physical therapist will determine how you move.
Physical therapists sometimes work with orthopedic doctors or other healthcare professionals for effective MCL injury diagnosis. A doctor can ask for further tests, including MRIs, to confirm the physical therapist’s diagnosis. The MRI will also help rule out additional possible knee or leg injuries. An MRI is also necessary if an orthopedic feels that you could need surgery. But before treatment, your healthcare professional can recommend using devices like a knee brace to ease your movement, manage the pain, and prevent the knee from bending. Crutches could be necessary to ease your movement and manage pain.
How Physical Therapists Manage MCL Injuries
Physical therapists are the right healthcare professionals to work with if you have an MCL injury. From diagnosis to treatment, you will enjoy timely and practical assistance to manage your pain and swelling and resume your daily activities, including your favorite sport. A skilled physical therapist will diagnose and develop an effective treatment program for your knee injury for a safe and speedy recovery. Your treatment program can include treatments and exercises you can perform at home. With the assistance of a physical therapist, you can quickly resume your daily activities and lifestyle.
Treatment After 24 to 48 Hours of an Injury
Treatment after 24 to 48 hours of an injury is critical. You need immediate care and treatment to prevent the injury from worsening during this period. Remember that an MCL injury can be mild or severe, depending on its gravity and extent. Thus, the first or second day of injury could be marked by excruciating pain and difficulty walking. Here are some of the ways your physical therapist can help:
- They will suggest resting the injured knee since too much activity or movement can intensify your pain. If you must move, your therapist will advise you to use crutches for support or protective gear like a knee brace to prevent the knee from bending. These will prevent more pressure on your knee and prevent the injury from worsening
- They will advise applying an ice pack on the affected knee for at least 15 minutes every two hours
- You can wrap the injured knee or compress it using an elastic bandage
- Ensure you seek further treatment for diagnostic tests and medication to manage the pain and effectively heal the wounded knee
Your treatment program will aim at achieving the following critical goals:
Pain Management
Your physical therapist’s goal during these first hours of your injury is to handle your pain. Remember that an MCL injury is harrowing. The pain will prevent you from walking or engaging in daily tasks. Skilled physical therapists use a range of technologies and treatments to reduce or control pain, including the following:
- Heat
- Ultrasound
- Ice
- Electrical stimulation
- Prescribe exercises
- Taping
- Hands-on therapy, like massage
Restored Movement
Physical therapy will also help you regain your movement or improve your knee’s motion. They will select activities to enhance your leg’s expected movement, especially at the affected knee. The therapist will carefully select passive mobility exercises to gently move the knee joint and leg. They can progress to more active exercises as your knee heals. They will suggest and demonstrate some movement and stretching exercises you can perform at home.
Improved Strength
A physical therapist’s treatment will also improve your knee’s strength. They will suggest exercises for every healing stage to ensure a complete and adequate recovery so you can resume your daily activities, including sports or athletics. If your knee constantly moves, resting for a few days will affect strength. In addition to healing the torn or sprained ligaments, your physical therapist’s treatment regimen will include exercises to slowly restore your knee’s agility and stability.
Physical therapists use tools and equipment to build strength in various body parts. A skilled one will recommend proper equipment to safely improve your knee’s strength. Examples of equipment that can work for you include the following:
- Elastic bands
- Cuff weights
- Weight-lifting equipment
- A cardio equipment like a stationary bicycle or treadmill
Improved Balance
You could also lose your balance following an MCL injury or after a few days of reduced movement. This will affect your daily activities, including walking and running. Fortunately, physical therapists also take care of balance. They can assist you in recovering your balance through carefully selected exercises that can help you perform, or you can perform at home.
Quick Recovery
Competent physical therapists with training and experience can aid in your recovery from an MCL injury faster and more effectively. They can recommend treatments and physical exercises to safely heal your knee and reduce your chances of re-injuring yourself after resuming your daily physical activities. A quick recovery will ensure you resume your life faster. You can also reach your treatment goals much quicker than if you were working independently. Remember that recovery after an MCL injury can take a short or long period, depending on the severity and extent of the injury.
Resuming Normal Activities
Physical therapists are also concerned about patients' ability to return to normal activities after an injury. Your therapist will develop a personalized treatment goal focusing on your illness and personal needs. They will also work closely with you to ensure you meet all your goals within the stipulated time. A treatment program that helps you attain your goals faster, safer, and more effectively is right for you.
Skilled therapists use hands-on therapy like massage to achieve these goals. They also teach exercises you can perform at home to improve and reduce your recovery time.
Prevention of Future Injuries
An MCL injury makes your knee more prone to further injuries. A medial ligament injured in the past will more likely sustain an injury in the future than one that has never been hurt before. Physical therapists know this, and they help their patients reduce the risks of future injuries. They do this by improving your general well-being through home exercises you can perform independently. Some programs allow you to stretch and strengthen your muscles, especially those around your knees and upper leg. The exercises also target your core muscles.
A Physical Therapist’s Help after Surgical Treatment for MCL Injury
A severe MCL injury can require surgical treatment to mend the injured ligaments and manage your pain and discomfort. An orthopedic doctor will recommend treatment as a last option when other treatments, like physical therapy, fail to yield the expected results. Surgical treatment is usually very effective after a proper diagnosis. However, it must be performed by a highly skilled doctor.
A therapist can help with your recovery after surgery. Since you will need to rest your leg for a while after treatment, you will need help regaining your movement and strengthening your knee after recovery. A therapist can design a recovery plan to help you achieve that. Some exercises can also help manage your pain after surgery. Generally, physical therapy will improve your chances of attaining a full recovery.
Are MCL Injuries Preventable?
MCL injuries are excruciating and can prevent you from playing your favorite sport or participating in athletics until you recover fully. After treatment, your physical therapist can provide guidelines to help you avoid a similar injury. Here are some of those guidelines:
- You should not allow your knees to collapse towards each other when running, turning quickly, or jumping
- Use drills and agility exercises to practice balance
- Start every healthy physical or sporting activity with a warm-up
- Be consistent with your flexibility and strength programs to maintain excellent physical condition, even if your sport is off-season.
- Ensure your shoes fit well and are perfect for your particular sport
Choosing a physical Therapist after an MCL injury
Physical therapy has been tested and proven to treat MCL injuries well. It helps manage your pain, reduce swelling and tenderness, regain mobility, and improve your balance. However, you must carefully select a physical therapist to achieve the desired results.
You can seek recommendations from close family and friends. If anyone has successfully used physical therapy to treat an injury, they will point you to a reliable and effective therapist for your treatment.
You can also find a reliable physical therapist online today. Competent physical therapists use online platforms to market their services. They provide a detailed guide about their services, treatment techniques, and contact details. You can also read online reviews about the therapists that interest you to understand their services.
Once you find a good physical therapist, discuss your symptoms, treatment needs, and expected results in detail for an effective treatment program.
Find a Skilled Physical Therapy Expert Near Me
Have you or a loved one sustained an MCL injury in Las Vegas?
An MCL injury is a prevalent injury of the media collateral ligaments, mainly affecting footballers and athletes. It is characterized by intense pain, swelling, and reduced mobility.
We have highly trained and experienced physical therapists at Suarez Physical Therapy whose services you can consider for a quick, safe, and effective recovery. We specialize in various injuries and treatments, including medications and exercises. We can start your treatment journey by examining your knee for a proper diagnosis and developing a customized treatment plan.
We work closely with our clients to ensure they meet their treatment goals within the stipulated time. We aim to manage your pain, promote safe and effective healing of the affected ligament, and improve mobility and balance. Contact us at 702-368-6778 to learn more about MCL injuries and our services.